The astonishing name of the playwright and writer Aphra Behn, pioneer and queen of Anglo-Saxon literature, remains largely unrecognised outside academia, despite the fact that she is the first professional female writer in English who is credited with boldly and modernly paving the way for all female writers to follow.

To her, a woman out of the ordinary and with an adventurous biography, Fondazione Teatro Due dedicates a wide-ranging rediscovery project consisting of the national premiere of L’avventuriero (The Rover), her most important play, and the international conference Aphra Behn. Tra Pagina e Teatro realised together with the University of Parma and live readings of some particularly significant works.

To find out all about this new project and meet the artists involved, Spectators are invited to Teatro Due on  15th February  at  11 am . Speakers during the meeting will be:

Paola Donati, Director of Fondazione Teatro Due
Giacomo Giuntini, Director of L’avventuriero
Prof. Diego Saglia, University of Parma

Free entrance, reservation recommended: 0521/230242 (anche via WhatsApp)–